
This page lists forthcoming activities of the participating societies and of their European friends. Most of the entries link to a call for papers; a separate page lists these calls by date of the deadline. Past activities are recalled below the present list.

13-15 September 2024. KU Leuven. 13th Biennal Conference on Music Since 1900. Submission deadline 28 January 2024.

15 September 2024. Concours d’articles SFAM/Musurgia 2024 – Prix Jean-Jacques Nattiez et Prix SFAM. Details.

25-27 September 2024. University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Institute of Popular Music. Interdisciplinary Conference Rhythm under the Microscope.

4-6 October 2024, Institut für Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg. Yearly Congress of the GMTh, “Musiktheorie im Wandel.”

4-6 October 2024, University of Arts, Belgrade. 15th Biennial International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis – Narrative Walks Through Music. Submission deadline extended to 15 May 2024.

10-13 October 2024, G. Martucci Conservatory of Salerno – GATM. XXI International Conference of Music Theory and Analysis. Submission deadline 30 June 2024.

• 17 October 2024. 17h–19h, UTC+1. Atelier Zoom “Profils d’une œuvre” – Respighi, Concerto in modo misolidio, Société Française d’Analyse Musicale (SFAM) and Société Belge d’Analyse Musicale (SBAM). Details.

18 October 2024. 14h–17h. Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Quai François Mauriac, Paris 13e), salle Colette, and Zoom. First meeting of the international network “Musique, Neurosciences et Thérapie” (“Neuromusicologie”).

18-19 October 2024, Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Maderna-Lettimi” – sede di Rimini. Giornate di Studio e di Ricerca “Arnold Schönberg, il contesto e le vicende storiche, la musica e la sua analisi, il dibattito sulle prassi esecutive.” Proposals to be sent before 10 August 2024 to

23-26 October 2024, University of Zagreb. Third International Conference Psychology of Music – Interdisciplinary Encounters. Submission deadline extended to 29 February 2024.

22-23 November 2024. University Paris 8, Saint-Denis, and Conservatoire (CRR) 93 Jack Ralite, Aubervilliers. Music Analysis Conference of the SFAM, Music and Nature: Analysis and Creation. Submission deadline 30 June 2024.

28-30 November 2024, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory. Scientific conference Russian Music,  Music Theory and Musicology in the Global World. Submission deadline 8 September 2024.

29-30 November 2024, Biblioteca del Conservatorio “G. Verdi”, Milan. Role, relevance and impact of Italian musical treatises between the 14th and 18th centuries in the field of musicological studies. Submission deadline (extended) 31 July 2024.

27-28 March 2025, Translating Music #1, The Idea of a Musical Work and Its Transformations Before 1800. The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music, Łódź, Poland. Submission deadline 30 September 2024.

27-28 March 2025, Sixth International Schenker Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Proposals to be sent by 1 September 2024.
This is not a European activity, but it concerns an important European theorist and is organized in collaboration with members of several European societies.

7-9 April 2025, Music Biennale Zagreb, international interdisciplinary conference, University of Zagreb Academy of Music. Submission deadline 15 October 2024.

14-16 April 2025, Harma Seminar Event, Conservatori Superior de Músical “Joaquin Rodrigo”, Valencia.

If you want to announce a European activity in the field of music theory and/or analysis, write us at europeanmusictheory [at]

Past Activities

Hereunder is a list of past activities of the participating societies and their friends as they had been announced since the creation of this website in April 2019. Links may not all be available anymore.

8-10 July 2024. Society for Music Analysis & The Institutes of Popular Music of both Rochester and Liverpool. University of Liverpool, IPM-IPM-SMA. Popular Music Theory & Analysis Summer School 3.

8-9 July 2024. Society for Music Analysis First International Summit on Music Literacy. St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge. Submission deadline 15 March 2024.

3-6 July 2024. 12th Triennal Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 12). Call for submissions closed.

1-3 July 2024. University College Dublin. International Conference Music, Musicology and Academic Responsibilities in the 21st Century. Submission deadline 1 December 2023.

1-3 July 2024. Edinburgh Music Analysis Conference (EdMAC 2024). Submission deadline 16 February 2024.

1 July 2024, 19h CST. GMTH online lecture, “Sheet Music Goes Viral: On the Past and Present of Music Notation as an Object of Aesthetic Significance.” Website to register.

• 30 June 2024, University of Edinburgh, Study Day of the Formal Theory Study Group (FTSG) of the SMA, before EdMAC 2024 (see below).

• 13 June 2024, 19h CST. GMTH online lecture, “Political Pressure and Abuse of Power in Academia and Music Institutions“, with Stefan Pohlit and Vladimir Rannev.

• 10-14 June 2024, University of Bologna. Eighth International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Musics (AAWM 2024).

• 8 June 2024, 12h, UTC+2. SATMUS Webinar. Emilio Molina. “Análisis para la interpretación: los niveles de síntesis”. Details.

• 6 June 2024, 6:30pm GMT. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Rachel Gain (Yale), Music Analysis Beyond the Audible: Rhythm Tap Dance, Embodied Syntax, and Visual Musicality.

29-31 May 2024. Ninth International Conference on Music and Minimalism, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade. Submission deadline extended to 15 January 2024.

23 May 2024. 14h – 16h, UTC+1. Atelier Zoom “Profils d’une œuvre” – Chopin, Ballade n° 2, op. 38, Société Française d’Analyse Musicale (SFAM). Details.

18 May 2024. 12h, UTC+2. SATMUS Webinar. Vicente Martínez Casas: “La Formación del Oído Musical en las Enseñanzas Profesionales de Música: Una propuesta didáctica fundamentada en la literatura musical”. Details.

15-17 May 2024. International Conference Enhancing Artistic Experience in Hybrid Environments. La Spezia, Italy and online.

• 2 May 2024, 6:30pm GMT. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Robert Gjerdingen (Northwestern), Harmony in a Cold Climate: Class and Classrooms in Music Theory.

• 27 April 2024, 5pm UTC+2. SATMUS Webinar. Mariana Montiel.  “La teoría matemática de la música y su impacto en la enseñanza de ambas disciplinas”. Details.

• 17-18 April 2024, University of Oxford Music Faculty. OxTAGS (SMA’s annual Theory and Analysis Graduate Students). Submission deadline 3 January 2024.

• 4 April 2024, 6:30pm GMT. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Nicolas Meeùs (Sorbonne University), Once Again, Schenkerian Semiotics.

14-15 March 2024, Paris Conservatoire. International Conference André Jolivet 2024. Submission deadline June 15 2023.

2-4 April 2024. Fifth International Congress of the Russian Society for Theory of Music (OTM). Submission deadline 20 February 2024.

• 6 March 2024, 6:30pm GMT. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Annika Forkert (RNCM), Liz Lutyens, Bricoleur.

1-3 March 2024. International Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory, Off the Beaten Track, Amsterdam Conservatoire. Submission deadline 1 November 2023.

• 10 Februari 2024, 17pm UTC+1. SATMUS Webinar. Cristian Villafañe: “Análisis auditivo de músicas populares grabadas”. Presentado por Vicente Martínez Casas. Details.

• 8 Februari 2024, 6:30pm GMT. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Caitlin Martinkus (Cleveland Institute of Music), “title tbc.”Revisiting Expectations for the Opening Ritornello in Louis Spohr’s Violin Concerti”

• 6 December 2023, 6:30pm GMT. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Jason Yust (Boston University), Periodicity and Continuity in Pitch and Time.

• 2 December 2023. RAMA 2023, Meeting of Applied Music Analysis, SFAM. Submission deadline 15 September 2023.

30 November-1 December 2023. International Symposium The Blasphemous in Music and Sound, University of Zagreb, Academy of Music. Submission deadline 1 May 2023.

25 November 2023. 12h UTC+1. SATMUS Webinar. Vicente Martínez Casas: “La Formación del Oído Musical en las Enseñanzas Profesionales de Música: Una propuesta didáctica fundamentada en la literatura musical”. Presentado por Sofía Martínez Villar. Details.

10-11 November 2023. IASJ Research Conference. Aesthetics in Jazz in the 21st Century. Submission deadline 15 September 2023.

• 10 November 2023. 5 to 7pm UTC+2. 5th Franco-Quebecian music analysis meeting, « Penser la phrase et la forme musicales dans la musique française d’avant 1870 ».

28 October 2023. Royal College of Music London, SMA workshop. Oliver Chandler & Isabella Thorneycroft, Analysing music through Discrete Fourier Transform. Limited places available: Registration.

22-24 September 2023. 23. Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie (GMTH): Musiktheorie & Künstlerische Forschung. Hochschule für Musik Freiburg. Submission deadline 31 March 2023.

14-16 September 2023. 59th Annual Conference of the Royal Musical Association, University of Nottingham’s Department of Music. Submission deadline 15 December 2022.

6-8 July 2023. Society for Music Analysis Annual Conference (OxMAC23). Submission deadline 10 March 2023.

29 June 2023. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Dr John Koslovsky (Conservatorium van Amsterdam / Utrecht University) “Structural Fantasies and Variations: A Salzerian Perspective.”

1 June 2023 (7.30pm UK time). GmTH/SMA Roundtable on Music Theory in pre-University Education.

27 May 2023, 11 h am UTC+2. Webinar of the SATMUS. Alicia Díaz de la Fuente. “Un viaje a través del análisis de la música del siglo XXI”.

19-21 May 2023. International conference Ukraine in Music History, Institute for Musicology and Institute for East European History, University of Vienna.

17 May 2023. Oxford Seminar in Music Theory and Analysis. AI, neural networks and style appropriation. Zoom session.

4 May 2023. SMA Zoom Colloquium. Marina Mezzina and Catello Gallotti, “Journeys through Romantic Music: Towards an Expressive Approach to Music Structure.”

3 May 2023. Oxford Seminar in Music Theory and Analysis. Kofi Agawu, “African Art Music and the Challenge of Postcolonial Composition”.

20-22 April 2023. First International Conference of the SATMUS, “Una approximación pedagógica e interdisciplinar al análisi y a la teoría musical.” Deadline of the call for papers: 15 January 2023.

18-20 April 2023. Musicology in Progress, International Music & Musicology Students Conference, Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Musicologia i Bene Culturali. Deadline of the call for papers: 19 January 2021.

29-31 March 2023. EMA 2023, Epistemologies of Music Analysis: What Theories, What Methods, for What Types of Music and in What Disciplinary and Cultural Contexts? International Conference organised by the IReMus (Institut de Recherche en Musicologie) in collaboration with the University of Chicago, the Universität der Künste Berlin, the Antonine University Beyruth, Montréal University, the OICRM (Observatoire Interdisciplinaire de Création et de Recherche en Musicologie), The University of Sousse (Tunisia), the French Society for Music Analysis, Épistémuse (International Network of Francophone Musicologies, the International Musicological Society, EuroT&AM, the French Society for Ethnomusicology and TeMA (the Brasilian Society of Music Theory and Analysis).

28 March 2023. Workshop Computer Assisted Analysis, Higher Institute of Music (University of Sousse, Tunisia), in preparation of EMA 2023 (see above, 29-31 March).

27 March 2023. Workshop The Musical Grammar of Traditional Modal Monodies, Centre for Research on Musical Traditions at the Antonine University (Lebanon), in preparation of EMA 2023 (see above, 29-31 March).

25 March 2023. Round table of the French Society for Music Analysis, in preparation of EMA 2023 (see above, 29-31 March).

24 March 2023. Seminar of the French Society for Ethnomusicology, in preparation of EMA 2023 (see above, 29-31 March).

11 March 2023, 11 am UTC+1. Webinar of the SATMUS. Francisco Javier Trabalón Ruiz: “Herramientas digitales aplicadas al análisis de la música electroacústica basada en la síntesis sonora”.

9 February 2023, 6 pm CET. GMTH International Music Theory Lectures: Sanja Kiš Žuvela, Musical Terminology, Digital Corpus Management and Translation.

• 2 February 2023, 6.30pm UK. Zoom Colloquium series of the SMA. Thomas Husted Kirkegaard (University of Copenhagen), Not Another Paper on Harmonic Function!

14 January 2023, 11 h am UTC+1. Webinar of the SATMUS. Guillermo García-Valdecasas Vaticón: “La teoría armónica de Barry Harris en la obra de Chopin: Huellas del Jazz en la Música Académica”.

7 December 2022, 10 h am – 6 h pm. One-day workshop on “Sonata Typologies and Micro-Theories of Nineteenth-Century Form,” Music Department, University of Manchester. Register by emailing Dr Anne Hyland ( no later than Friday, 25th of November.

26 November 2022, 11 h am UTC+1. Webinar of the SATMUS. Ana Llorens Martín: “Análisis de la interpretación: estructuras plurales en la Sonata nº 1 para cello y piano op. 38 de Brahms”.

19-20 November 2022. Teaching Music Theory Today. International conference on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Croatian Association of Music Theorists (HDGT). Call for papers. Submission deadline: 15 June 2022.

18-20 November 2022. Study and Research Day: Performance e indeterminazione nella musica del Secondo Novecento. ISSM “G. Lettimi”, Via Cairoli 44, Rimini. Submission deadline (postponed): 20 July 2022.

7-9 November 2022. Three centuries of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s Treatise. Music-science facing the question of harmony. International Conference, IReMus (Research Institute in Musicology).

20-23 October 2022. XIX Convegno di analisi e teoria, XIX International Conference of Music Analysis and Theory, New boundaries between text and performance, GATM, Giuseppe Martucci Conservatoire in Salerno (Italy). Call for papers. Proposals deadline: June 15, 2022.

13-15 October 2022. Le Traité de l’harmonie de Jean-Philippe Rameau en son temps : discours théoriques et pédagogiques, composition et pratiques musicales autour de 1722. International Conference, IReMus (Research Institute in Musicology).

7-9 October 2022. Interdisciplinarity of Music Theory: Knowledge of Music between History, Poetics, Theories, and Criticism, 14th Biennial International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia). Call for papers. Proposals deadline: April 15, 2022.

30 September – 2 October 2022. Modelle, 22th Annual Congress of the Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, Salzburg.

24-25 September 2022. Scriabin@150 Conference and celebration, Reading, UK.

23 September 2022, 17 h UTC+2. Webinar of the SATMUS. “La terminología en Análisis y Teoría musical: en busca de un consenso”. Ponente: Enrique Sandoval-Cisternas. Mesa redonda con Miguel Ángel Centenero Gallego, Enrique Igoa y Daniel Roca.

8-10 September 2022. Royal Musical Association 58th Annual Conference, Durham University. Draft Programme.

3-5 September 2022. The Institutes of Popular Music of both Rochester and Liverpool, together with the Society for Music Analysis, are pleased to announce their first Summer School dedicated to popular music theory and analysis. The deadline for applications is January 15th 2022. For details and application form, please visit

11-13 July 2022. Newcastle Music Analysis Conference (NewMAC 2022), Newcastle University. Submission deadline for proposals: Sunday 27 March 2022, 23.59 GMT

11-12 July 2022. The France: Musiques, Cultures, 1789-1914 network will meet in Venice, at the Palazzetto Bru Zane: Centre de Musique Romantique Française, San Polo, 2368, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy. Information may be obtained from

10 July 2022. Newcastle University (before NewMAC 2022), Workshop on musical form: Dr. Áine Heneghan (University of Michigan), Prof. James Hepokoski (Yale University). Accessible to postgraduate students and early career scholars, members of the SMA. Email for details.

8 July 2022. Prof. Marina Frolova-Walker FBA (University of Cambridge), Revolution, Trauma, and a Transition to Nowhere. Thoughts on Russian Music and Culture post-1991, 2d International Lecture in the GMTh series (online). Registration.

7 July 2022. Prof Joseph Straus (CUNY), Music and Disability (working title). Zoom Colloquium of the SMA. Zoom link on the Internet page of the colloquium.

6-9 July 2022. Conference Music and the University. History, Models, Prospects. City University of London.

24-26 June 2022. Annual Plenary Conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (SMI), Department of Music, University College Cork. Call for papers.

17-20 June 2022. Twelfth Biennal International Conference on Music Since 1900. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Call for papers.

15-19 June 2022. 15th International Congress on Musical Signification, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya in Barcelona. Postponed from 1-5 September 2021.

14-17 June 2022. Seventh International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music and Tenth International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, University of Sheffield, UK. Call for papers.

2 June 2022. Dr Cecilia Oinas (Sibelius Academy, Helsinki), Together in Performance: Examining (the) Pitch-Based Bonding in Ensemble Playing. Zoom Colloquium of the SMA. Zoom link on the Internet page of the colloquium.

24-29 May 2022. Xenakis 22: Centenary International Symposium. Co-organized by ASKI (Contemporary Social History Archives), EfA (École française d’Athènes) and the National Technical University of Athens.

20 May 2022. Convergence. Seminar on multisensory approaches in artistic performance and interactions. Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (Belgium). Call for papers.

9-11 May 2022. Toots Thielemans (1922-2016). A Century of Music across Europe and America. International Conference, Brussels,
Royal Library of Belgium (KBR). Programme.

7 May 2022, 11h UTC+1. Webinar organized by the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS): Rubén López Cano. “Semiótica, hermenéutica y análisis musical.”

5 May 2022. Dr. Nancy Murphy (Assistant Prof., Houston), Times-A-Changin’: Flexible Meter as Self-Expression in Singer-Songwriter music. Zoom Colloquium of the SMA. Zoom link on the Internet page of the colloquium.

23 April 2022. The Formal Theory Study Group (FTSG) invites students and early career scholars to share their research in an online afternoon of Lightning Talks. Email by 21st March with a short summary of what you’re currently working on (max 100 words).

7 April 2022. Prof. Nicole Biamonte (McGill), Current Issues in Popular-Music Analyses. Zoom Colloquium of the SMA. Zoom link on the Internet page of the colloquium.

31 March 2022. Prof. Kofi Agawu (CUNY), title t. b. c. Zoom Colloquium of the SMA. Zoom link on the Internet page of the colloquium.

28-30 March 2022. Declinazioni del rischio. Per un’archeologia degli immaginari estetico-letterari dal Novecento ad oggi / Déclinaisons du risque – Une archéologie des imaginaires esthético-littéraires du vingtième siècle à nos jours, international conference, Torino University. Call for papers.

12-13 March 2022. Rhythm, International Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory. Call for papers.

12-13 March 2022. Scriabin@150 Conference and Celebration. Scott Music Centre, Queen Anne’s School, 6 Henley Road, Caversham, Berkshire, RG4 6DX. Deadline for submissions 1 November 2021. Call for papers.

12 March 2022, 11h UTC+1. Webinar organized by the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS): Sofía Martínez Villar. “El análisis auditivo de la música. Límites y fronteras del oído musical”.

3 February 2022. Dr. Sebastian Wedler (University of Oxford), Rethinking Late Webern. Zoom Colloquium of the SMA. Zoom link on the Internet page of the colloquium.

22 January 2022. The Formal Theory Study Group (FTSG) of the Society for Music Analysis invites postgraduates and early career researchers to attend our upcoming Study Day, “Form, Narrative, Drama and Text” to be held on online via Zoom. Please register your interest and direct any enquiries to The deadline for registration is Saturday 8 January 2022.

15 January 2022, 11h UTC+1. Webinar organized by the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS): María Elena Cuenca. “Metodologías del análisis estadístico digital: algunos casos de estudio con jSymbolic.”

14-15 January 2022. “Rethinking Participatory Processes Through Music”, online event convened by Igor Contreras Zubillaga (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Huddersfield) and Robert Adlington (University of Huddersfield). Website of the project.

10-12 December 2021. Symposium “Chamber Music 1850-1918”, Virtual conference organized by the Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca, and the Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique français. Call fo

1-2 December 2021. 6th International Conference Musical Analysis. Historia-Theoria-Praxis, Karol Lipiński Academy of Music, Wrocław.

18-19 November 2021. Analysing Josquin. TonalOrganization, Form, Structure, Expression and Rhetoric in Josquin’s Music. University of Pavia, Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage. Online International Conference, streamed on the YouTube channel of the University.

13 November 2021. 13h30-19h45 GMT. SMA Workshop of Neo-Riemannian Theory, Online and in person, London, City University. Register your interest in attending by emailing Deadline for registration and bursary application 29th October 2021.

12 November 2021. SMA’s annual Theory and Analysis Graduate Students (TAGS) Conference, London, City University, Department of Music. Call for papers.

10-13 November 2021. Future Directions of Electroacoustic Music Studies. Celebrating 20 years of Music, Technology & Innovation. De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. See also EMS Network.

6 November 2021, 11h UTC+1. Webinar organized by the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS): Bohdan Syroyid. “Introducción al análisis de los silencios en la música.”

4-6 November 2021. Third International Doctoral Conference of Music and Musicology – Troisème Congrès Doctoral International de Musique et Musicologie. Institut de Recherche en Musicologie (IReMus), Paris. Programme.

28-31 October 2021. XVIII Convegno Internazionale di Analisi e Teoria Musicale. GATM, ISSM “G. Lettimi”, Rimini, Italy. Deadline for proposals 7 September.

28-29 October 2021. International Conference “Analyzing Spanish Music”. Unité de recherche RIRRA 21. Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. — Research Group ERASMUSH. University of Oviedo. Call for papers.

7-9 October 2021 (postponed from 14-16 May 2020). RE-peat please!, IASPM Benelux International Conference. University of Antwerp, Belgium.

1-3 October 2021. 21st Annual  Congress of the GMTH, to be held in Basel, Switzerland. Call for papers.

28 September-1 October 2021. XVIIth International Congress of the German Musicological Society: Musicology after Beethoven. Web page of the conference, including the new call for papers.

25 September 2021, 17h UTC+2. Webinar organized by the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS): Miguel Á. Roig-Francolí, “Reflexiones en torno a la enseñanza de la teoría y análisis post-tonales.” Inscriptions.

20-25 September 2021. EuroMAC 10, the European Conference of Music Analysis. Moscow, Tchaikovsky Conservatory. The main theme is Analysis, Theory and History of Music: and/or/vs Relationship.

1-3 September 2021. In replacement of the 15th ICMS, postponed to 15-19 June 2022 (see below), three different events on consecutive evenings will be broadcast live from Esmuc on 1, 2 and 3 September 2021: see Additional programme to 15 ICMS.

28-30 July 2021. Birmingham Music Analysis Conference, University of Birmingham. Programme and Registration.

21-23 June 2021. Formal Theory Study Group of the SMA, International Conference on Musical Form. Online.

16 June 2021. Inalco study day, Langues chantées – cultures mises en musique. La chanson dans nos enseignements. Online.

• 11 June 2021. Epistémuse seminar, La musicologie francophone et la circulation des savoirs dans un contexte multiculturel : interpénétration et résilience. Online.

• 28-30 April 2021. International HarMA Seminar Event, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, in collaboration with the Royal Conservatoire, Brussels.

28-30 April 2021. Universität Innsbruck. International Symposium Entangled Histories and Voices. Popular Music & approcci postcoloniali / approches postcoloniales / acercamientos postcoloniales.

22-26 March 2021. Seventh International Congress: Music and Audio-Visual Culture MUCA. University of Murcia, Spain.

9-10 February 2021. Analysis and Description of Timbre in Fixed Music, colloquium organized by the Jean Monnet University (University of Saint-Etienne), Music department, and the CIEREC (Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etudes et de Recherche sur l’Expression Contemporaine) in collaboration with the SFAM. Programme. Visioconference.

30 January 2021. Opening of the First cycle of Webinars of the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS).

27 January 2021. Virtual seminar of the Belgian Society for Music Analysis (SBAM): À quels codes musicaux sont exposés nos enfants ?, by Arnould Massart.

10-11 December 2020. Shakespeare and Music: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives, inaugural conference of the ‘Shakespeare and Music’ Study Group. Thursday 10 December at the University of Manchester and Friday 11 December at the University of Huddersfield. Online.

4-6 December 2020. Online conference Beethoven the European, Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini of Lucca in collaboration with Ad Parnassum, Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music. Programme.

27-28 November 2020. International Conference Musicology and Its Future in Times of Crisis, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Musicology, Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. Online conference.

26-29 November 2020. 17th International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis, GATM. Online conference. Online conference. Information and Call for papers.

1-4 October 2020. The GMTh (Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie) holds its 20th Annual Conference in Detmold: Musik verstehen?. Online conference.

8-10 September 2020. 56th Annual Conference of the Royal Musical Association, Goldsmiths, University of London. Virtual conference. Conference review.

25-27 May 2020. Study Days or Musical Computing, organized by the French Society of Musical Computing (Association Française d’Informatique Musicale, AFIM). The Call for papers is open until 7 February 2020. Postponed to a virtual meeting on 26-28 October 2020.

27-28 June 2020. Music, Communication and Performance  2020. Online conference of the Associazione Europea di Musica e Comunicazione, Montecassino, Italy.

16 May 2020. Brain. Cognition. Emotion. Music. Online conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.

29 February-1 March 2020. Beethoven 2020: Analytical and Performative Perspectives. International Conference organized by the Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory, Amsterdam, Conservatorium. Call for papers.

28-29 February 2020. Workshop Analysis and Interpretation, organized by the Associació de Teoria, Barcelona. Call for papers.

29–30 November 2019. JMA 2019, French Music Analysis Conference, in the CRR, Paris, on the theme Applications of Practices and Theories of Analysis Today.

18–19 November 2019. Fifth Biennal Meeting of the Belgian Society for Music Analysis in the Royal Conservatoire, Liège, on the theme Representation and analysis. Details on the website of the SBAM.

14–16 November 2019. ENIM 2019, IX Encontro de Investigação em Música, Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

9-10 November 2019. 15th Days of Music Theory, Academy of Music, University of Zagreb.

26 October 2019. Study day on the ‘Epistemology of Phrases’, University of Leeds.

14–15 October 2019. International Music Conference Music Research in Slovenia, Past and Present, The University of Ljubljana, Slovenia .

• 10–13 October 2019. XVIth Convegno Internationale, The Gruppo Analisi e Teoria Musicale, Rimini.

• 4–6 October 2019. 19th annual Congress, Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, University of the Arts, Zürich. Interface between Composition, Interpretation and Analysis.

• 2–5 October 2019. Fourth International Congress, Russian Society for Music Theory, Nazib Zhiganov Kazan’ State Conservatory. Musical Terms, Concepts and Categories.

• 27-28 July 2019. SotonMAC 2019, International Music Analysis Conference of the Society for Music Analysis (SMA), University of Southampton, Department of Music. Preceded by a Music Analysis Summer School for postgraduate students and early career scholars on 27-28 July 2019.