This page lists European journals on music theory and/or analysis, available in open access online. If you want your journal to be added to this list, please write to europeanmusictheory[at]
• ZGMth, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie.
• Analitica online, Rivista di analisi, Gruppo Analisi e Teoria Musicale (GATM).
• Musimédiane, Revue audiovisuelle et multimedia, Société française d’analyse musicale (SFAM).
• Časopis Theoria, Journal of the Croatian Association of Music Theorists (HDGT).
• Music Analysis, published on behalf of the Society for Music Analysis (SMA). An increasing number of articles (apparently starting from n. 36/2, 2017) are freely accessible.
• Журнал Общества теории музыки, Journal of the Russian Society for Music Theory (OTM).
• Music Theory and Analysis, Journal of the Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory (VVM).
• Súmula: Revista de teoría y análisis musical, Journal of the Sociedad de Análisis y Teoría Musical (SATMUS).
• Musicology Today, University of Warsaw.
• Res Facta Nova, Instytut Muzykologii, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
• Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti, Acts of the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
• ATeM Archiv für Textmusikforschung, Institut für Romanistik der Universität Innsbruck.
• Gli spazi della musica, Rivista open access di ricerca musicologica e culture comparate pubblicata presso la Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (StudiUm).
• Philomusica on-line, periodico musicologico aperto, nato nel 2001 con l’intento di dar conto delle attività di ricerca del Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni Culturali dell’Università di Pavia e per offrire uno spazio privilegiato allo scambio e alla collaborazione tra studiosi dell’ambito musicologico.
• RFIM, French journal Informatique et Musique, published by the Association française d’informatique musicale.
• Hellenic Journal of Music, Education, and Culture (HeJMEC), New international, on-line, open-access, and peer reviewed journal devoted to critical study and critical analysis of issues related to the fields of Music, Education, and Culture.
• Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (JSMI), A journal to promote Irish musicological scholarship.
• RPM, Revista portuguesa de musicologia.
• Studia Musicologica Norvegica, the primary forum for the publication of musicological research in Norway.
• Lithuanian Musicology, presenting the most relevant studies in the fields of musicology and ethnomusicology as well as focussing on music theory, music history, source research etc.
• Music Scholarship, Russian Journal of Academic Studies.
• Opera musicologica, A Quarterlу Journal of the Saint Petersburg State Conservatory.
• Musicology Papers (Lucări de muzicologie), Journal of the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Rumania.
• Artes. Journal of Musicology, a Romanian peer-reviewed journal.
• Musicology Today Journal of the National University of Music Bucharest.
• Arti musices, the only specialized scholarly journal in the field of musicology in Croatia, published continously since 1969 in Zagreb.
• Danish Yearbook of Musicology, peer-reviewed scholarly journal related to musical research in the widest sense, supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities.
• Danish Musicology Online, formed in 2012 with the aim of creating publication opportunities for Danish music research initiatives that cross institutional boundaries, DMO is open to non-Danish researchers and contributions in English, Swedish, Norwegian and German are welcome.
• Swedish Journal of Music Research, peer-reviewed online and in print journal issued by the Swedish Society for Musicology. It is the result of a recent merge of the two journals Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning/STM and STM-Online.
• Carlofone, Formação Avançada em Educação pela Música. Peer-reviewed journal of the Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo, Portugal.
• Understanding Bach, Web Journal of the Bach Network UK.
• JIMS, Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies, an international journal promoting collaborations between sciences and humanities.
• JCMS, Journal of Creative Music Systems, University of Huddersfield.
• RJMA, Revue d’études du Jazz et des Musiques Audiotactiles, Centre de Recherche International sur le Jazz et les Musiques Audiotactiles.
• Volume ! The French Journal of Popular Music Studies. Issues are free online three years after publication.
• IASPM Journal, Journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music. Open access since 2010.
• Journal de recherche en éducation musicale, researches between musicology and music education. Online since 13/1 (2022)